Live-In Treatment Services
Live-In Treatment Facility Honeywell House
The Honeywell Live-In Assessment and Stabilization DBT program is specifically designed to work with youth (12-17 yrs, males/females/LGTBQ) who want to get control over their behaviours relating to self-harm, suicidal ideation, and/or suicide attempts and to work on making a life worth living. Placement at Honeywell House can last from 1-3 months based upon a comprehensive clinical assessment and the Individual Treatment Plan of each youth and their family.
The program is well resourced to support and serve this population and includes 7 day a week/24 hour live-in programming, 5 beds in a supportive and home-like environment, dedicated Child and Youth Workers, dedicated Child and Family Therapist and access to all CMHS clinical resources. Transition support and aftercare are also provided following service in order to ensure the best chance of success in the youth’s return to the home and community.

Each connection, each relationship is inked deeply in my heart. Life will go on.
Honeywell House saved my life when I was so low that I literally needed people to keep me from dying.

You have greatly impacted my life. I look forward to the future.
The model of treatment the program uses is called Dialectical Behaviour Therapy or “DBT”. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy is considered a best practice for the treatment of high risk, self-harming behaviours along with accompanying unhealthy behaviours and/or disorders which are routinely found to be underlying the self-harming and/or suicidal behaviours in youth.
During their stay in the program the youth and their family will have all of the following available to them:
Individual therapy for the youth
Multifamily skills group for youth and family members
Therapeutic milieu for individualized support and coaching
Healthy life skills programming
Phone coaching between youth and the individual therapist
Phone coaching between family members and training facilitators
Family sessions
A full program description is available upon request.